Bright Start follows five key principles:

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We recognize each child as an individual. 

Children need the freedom to explore, wonder and discover. 

It is important for children to feel accepted and safe.

We are committed to working collaboratively with families to promote a child’s success.

We contribute to our neighborhood to help our children understand their community.  

Our commitment to quality care means:

Our goals at Bright Start Learning are simple, to be an extension of a warm home environment that aids in the development of a child’s emotional needs while also building their intellectual, physical, social, and emotional skills. 

It is our primary goal to maximize each child’s potential by employing proven and sound practices and principles of child development. We feel it is essential to our philosophy to provide a healthy, safe, and pleasant child-oriented environment for optimum growth and development.


We offer experiences in which staff nurture each child’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional development.

We provide and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment.

We encourage positive development across a wide range of domains while building self-confidence, independence, and self-discipline.

We recognize the importance of quality staff in all areas, and recruit, retain, and support highly qualified and skilled educators.



At Bright Start Learning Center our standards reflect current knowledge about what constitutes developmentally appropriate Early Childhood Education.  The child care center provides a professional, high quality program for children of employees and non-employees consistent with the Bright Start Learning Center mission.


We employ educated and experienced teachers who interact with the children in a warm and caring manner.  Our teachers respect the rights, cultural heritage and individuality of each child.  Head Teachers hold degrees in Early Childhood Education.  Assistant Teachers and Teacher Aides are also trained in Early Childhood Education.  Our staff stays current in the field by actively participating in professional organizations and in-service training.


We recognize the importance of each child’s parents and/or guardian and ensure a partnership of mutual respect and concern.  This open communication between home and school allows better understanding and planning to meet the needs of each child.  We recognize and foster an active partnership between home and school.

Daily Schedule

A daily schedule gives children the stability and security they need early on in life. We strive to provide a stable framework but also leave plenty of room for spontaneous activities.


Overview of the Daily Routine

6:30 - 7:30

3522 N. Central Avenue

Chicago, IL 60634


Monday to Friday

6:30am - 6:00pm

Learning Centers 

10:00 -11:00

Group Time

9:30 - 10:45

Morning Snack

9:00 - 9:30


Arrivals; Free Play

5:30 - 6:00

4:30 - 5:30

Departures; Free Play

Learning Centers

Group Time Stories & Songs


Outdoor Play (weather permitted)

3:30 - 4:00

Afternoon Snack

2:30 - 3:00

Rest/Quiet Time

12:30 - 2:30

Lunch Time

11:30 - 12:30

Outdoor Play (weather permitted)

11:00 - 11:30